Beauty and Spa

b e s t 5 * * * * * H o t e l i n I t a l y T R I V A G O 2 0 1 8 HAPPINESS & SPA BOOK PHI LOSOPHY H A P P I N E S S AT PRE I DLHOF Studies, general happiness research and our personal life experience confirm it: Happiness is one of the most desirable aims in the lives of many people. Yet the term “Happiness“ also has a ver- satile meaning: Luck - Joy - Satisfaction - Cheerfulness - Bliss - Delight - Se- renity - Pleasure and much more - each person is allowed to interpret this for themselves individually. We understand happiness here at Luxury DolceVita Ho- tel Preidlhof as the state of a harmonious, healthy relationship with both ourselves and others. It is a matter of the heart for us at the Preidl Happiness Spa to attentively, individual- ly and competently support our guests on their way to achieving their very own per­ sonal happiness with what we have to offer. We consider four components to be essential for this: Be attractive Be yourself Be together Be healthy EN • 2019