
BALANC ING HEDONI C & EUDA IMONI C WEL L- BE ING THE SECRET TO TRULY FLOUR I SHING Surrounded by nature, in search of an inner peace, we balance zest and serenity: the hedonic side, the lover of beauty and life, with the eudaimonic, an understanding of the deep contentment that comes from a renewed approach to living. All in a blessed location emanating the positive power of Mother Earth. “Our goal is to promote a lifestyle with a ‘hedonic’ approach to the present, to savour this, while also bringing an ‘eudaimonic’ approach to the past and future, to make them count.” Patrizia Bortolin, Spa Designer & Holistic Coach NEW S IGNATURE CONCEPT THE PRE IDLHOF WAY PLEASURE & VALUE H E D O N I C E U D A I M O N I C A P P R E C I A T E E X P L O R E T R E A T H E A L S A V O U R E N J O Y 3